Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Break 2011!!

We had so much fun during Spring Break! There was lots of playing, relaxing and hanging with friends and family! We are lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives!! Nana and Big Daddy came down with the RV and stayed at a really nice RV Park on Lake Conroe and we spent lots of time there! Spring Break is always a little "taste" of summer and boy are we ready for it!!

We had a play date with our friends Levi and Barrett! It was so much fun!

Just chillin'!!  

Trying to hit the ball with the wrong end of the bat...still need some practice!!

Addison and Daddy at the RV Park

My little water baby! The water was FREEZING, but she wanted in anyway!!

A perfect end to a perfect week! Can't wait for summer vacation now!!

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