Thursday, April 21, 2011

Houston Museum of Natural Science

We set out for the zoo one Sunday afternoon, and searched for a parking spot for around 1 hr. We finally decided to park a ways away at a Metro stop and went to the Museum of Natural Science instead. To my was really fun, Addison LOVED it, and Dennis and I learned lots there too!! We went to the Butterfly Garden and watched an IMAX movie. It was a great way to spend a Sunday Family afternoon!!

"Cool Mama" on the way to the big town of Houston!!

Hanging out on the huge caterpillar at the Houston Museum of Natural Science!

Hissing Cockroaches...NO THANKS!!

In the Butterfly Garden...there were butterflies everywhere and it was so pretty!!

Checking everything out with Daddy! Pink is his color, don't ya think?!

Really cool looking lizard in the simulated rainforest

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