Monday, December 13, 2010

Chuck E Cheese BABY!!

Our neighbor, Dylan had a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese on Sunday and it was Addison's first time to go. She had a blast, to say the least, and mommy and daddy were exhausted! Addi rode almost all the rides that were her size and also enjoyed watching the big kids play the games! She also really liked the pizza and cupcakes! Happy Birthday to Dylan!!

Riding in the car with Chuck E Cheese!!

On the mini carousel

This was a really cool bike thing that went up in the air when you pedaled it. Addi's feet didn't reach, but her daddy helped a little!

Riding the horse game with daddy!!

Addison eating her yummy cupcake!

Wearing my BIG girl shoes!!

Addison Lee just LOVES to wear shoes!! Especially shoes that are not hers! She goes into my closet and picks out matching shoes to wear around the house! Boy are we in serious trouble when she gets older!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Birthday to Big Daddy!!

We went to Corrigan for Big Daddy's birthday on a cold weekend in November. We had about as much fun as you could have at a deer lease, with no electricity. Big Daddy, however had a blast and really enjoyed getting to see Addison and all her glory! She has hit the stage where she knows what she wants, but doesn't know how to communicate and it is rather frustrating, for BOTH of us!!

Crazy Aunt Haley!!

Let me have that camera Mama!!

Telling "those boys" just how it is!!

I LOVE going up and down stairs over and over again!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween and Fall Festival.

We had a very eventful Halloween week!! Addi had her school Halloween party on Thursday and Dennis and I went. We were the only parents there, just call us helicopters, but we enjoyed spending time with Addi!! The Kid's World Fall Festival was Friday night and we had a BLAST!! I had to work a booth for a little while so Aunt Haley, Big Daddy, Nana and Daddy took Addison around to all the booths!! She was such a big girl and tried her best to do all of them!! The pony rides were her all time favorite and she screamed and cried when she had to get off. Looks like there might be a pony in our future!! Aunt Haley and Uncle Wade had a Halloween Party on Saturday night and we had another great time!! There was tons of food and lots of friends and more than enough laughs!! On Sunday, Halloween, we just relaxed, got a pumpkin shaped pizza from Papa John's and handed out candy to Trick or Treaters!! We had sooooo much fun, but I was never so glad to see the end of a week!!!

My most favorite part of the whole Fall Festival!! I SO need a pony!!!!

Picking my pumpkin from the pumpkin patch!

Cute girl, posing for Aunt Haley!!

Having lunch at the Kid's World Halloween Party!! We had lots of fun!!

Yippee for a cute little Jack-O-Lantern!!

Digging in the pumpkin!! It was pretty slimy!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Addison and I went trick or treating at Carl Barton fields and we had a blast!! We even got to watch "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" on the big screen! I made Addi's costume this year and just knew she would be the cutest "bug" in the whole world. She however had other plans. She hates and cries everytime she sees me getting it out. Needless to say, its a battle I'm fighting since I spent a while making it. She will be the very grumpy ladybug this year!! Happy Halloween to all!!

My first time to go trick or treating! I had a blast!!

I LOVE lollipops!

I really HATE this outfit, but I'm wearing it because my mamma said I have to!!

What a pretty little Ladybug!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Weekend at Big Daddy and Nana's!!

We went to Nana and Big Daddy's for the Pineywoods fair last weekend. Addison had so much fun on her new swing set and she had fun at the fair too. We tried to ride the carousel, and Addi did really good for a while, but half way through I had to get her off. We also went down a really big slide and she wasn't much on that either! We had fun looking at all the bright lights and seeing lots of highschool friends!! We can't wait for Halloween!!

The MOST cutest girl in the whole world!!

I like swinging, especiall with Aunt Haley!!

Playing with our new addition, Roscoe!

My new swing set from Big Daddy! I think a car is next!! Heehee!

I LOVE to drive everything!!